
Home / Railways


GMS is the railroad contractor serving industrial and railroad customers. With our extensive variety of track related services, GMS can serve all track related requirements.

GMS has the ability to design and build your railroad track, from initial site development to track expansions within existing sites. We can prepare drawings and specifications and perform surveying and staking for construction. We can perform drainage work, grading and construct Track and Turnouts. We also have the ability and experience to redesign your existing tracks for smoother and safer car movements as well as design new extensions or additional tracks.

With time rail and ties wear, track moves out of alignment and deteriorates. GMS has the crews and experience to rehabilitate track.

Railroad Tracks are like any piece of plant equipment they require preventative maintenance. Tracks are often overlooked until a derailment occurs causing disruption of rail service and extensive and costly repairs. Obsolete and light rail can be upgrades to accommodate the heavier and longer rail cars and locomotive of today. GMS can inspect the structure of your track and determine appropriate corrections. When maintenance and repairs are required we will submit a proposal to perform repairs.

  • * Rebuilt Turnouts, Switch points and frogs
  • * Track Inspection Service
  • * Remove and Rebuild Tracks
  • * Change out defective/broken rails
  • * Track Surface
  • * Tie Replacement
  • * Switch Repair